Thursday, 10 October 2019


The Facts

  • Thirteen percent of Canadian families do not have enough affordable, nutritious food to eat. 
  • Without enough food, many children feel the effects of short-term hunger, like headaches, upset stomachs and difficulty concentrating at school. 

  • The need for food banks is growing. In fact, 28% more people went to a food bank last year than they did in 2008.
  • Families who don’t have enough food to eat usually don’t have enough money to buy nutritious food. Low income affects over 4 million Canadians at any given time.
  • Being hungry all the time can make kids sick and it also stops them from reaching their goals in school. 
  • People who access food banks come from all walks of life. Some people need support over longer periods, but most require help only occasionally or for a short period of time. 
  • A food package from a food bank may make a big difference for a family trying to get back on their feet after a crisis. 

Take Action!

Can you imagine going to school or going to bed at night hungry? That is the reality millions of children face each day. Let’s challenge this by committing to reduce hunger in our community. Rally your classmates and plan to bring lots of non-perishable food items to school during the month of October.  
What: Food Drive
Where: St. Cecilia
Why: To help families in need in our community. To follow Jesus’ example of generosity, kindness, love and dignity.
How: All of us sharing what we can spare.

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