Tuesday, 27 February 2018

Go Canada Go!

Today we were truly blessed to meet the captain of the Olympic Canadian men’s hockey team, Chris Kelly. 

He spoke briefly about his experience in Peong-Chang and shared personal candid photos of his time at the olympics. 

The highlight was hearing him answer questions from our very own St. Cecilia students (Great job Brady!!!). 

Tuesday, 13 February 2018

Scientists in the school

Student had the chance to play around with wires and lights as they explored electricity and circuits with an amazing hands on workshop by Scientists in the school. 

Monday, 12 February 2018

Lenten Project - Projet de Carême

Students have worked hard to become experts in select non-profit organizations. After some long discussions, students have picked an organization that they feel should be supported for our Lenten Project. They are tasked to write a persuasive letter to Mrs. Green in order to convince her of their choice. Here are the presentations for the 3 finalists.

Aide à l'Enfance


World Vision

Monday, 5 February 2018


My apologies to students and parents. My homework page has been malfunctioning. I will post here until I am able to fix the bug. 

Le lundi 5 février 2018

Due tomorrow:
-timeline the discovery of electricity
-presentations for organizations
-please bring in flyers for electrical appliances 

Le vendredi 2 février 2018

1. SCIENCE: for those who have been sick and away... We have been reflecting on what life would be like without electricity. Students brought up great ideas on how things would change. DON’T FORGET TO BRING APPLIANCE FLYERS for a science activity. 

2. SCIENCE: Students were asked to read a text on the discovery of electricity. They were asked to create a timeline and place the information in chronological order. To further their inquiry, they are asked to research and add 2-3 more scientists and their discoveries/inventions and add them to the time line. Below we co-created success criteria of what is expected for this assignment. If you choose to create this on Google Draw, please be sure to SHARE it in your SCIENCE HAPARA folder. DUE: Tuesday 

Don’t forget to practice your EXPERT PRESENTATION for our  International Organization. Ways you can prepare:
  1. Make cue cards of important info 
  2. Practice in front of a mirror or parent
  3. Review your presentation and select important slides to present.
  4. CHECK OUT what your peers will be evaluating during your presentation below. 

Le mardi 30 janvier 2018

Students were asked what would life be like without electricity. They must name what would be affected and what te would have to do instead. They are to add 5-7 more ideas on top of what we already discussed as a group. 

Ex: affect transportation. 
- we would have to walk or bike
- it would take much longer to get somewhere 
- travelling would be long and difficult 


Skating at Minto complex

Thank you to all of our amazing volunteers for our skating outing at Minto! Our next date is Monday, March 5th! 

Friday, 2 February 2018


We are excited to welcome Jungle Sports back to St. Cecilia! Please be sure to fill out, sign and return the form ASAP!